Resource Library

At The Complete Leader, we are proud to have one of the most comprehensive libraries of leadership resources. Covering all 25 competencies needed to be a complete leader and created by experienced advisers, coaches, and thought leaders, these videos, podcasts, and blogs will inspire you on your journey to become a complete leader.

TCL Video Series: Conceptual Thinking with Andy Johnson

Conceptual thinkers have an astute understanding of why something is being done.

TCL Video Series: Creativity with Justin Foster

Tomorrow’s leaders will find that the pace of change makes the life span of a creative idea shorter, and fresh concepts will be continually needed to stay competitive.

Time is Money: The Value of Taking Time for Yourself

Time is currency, especially for leaders. This constant transaction creates heightened pressure to perform.

Isn't It Time to Rethink Time?

By Jay Steven Levin

We leaders should be leading, not managing and we should set better examples for our rising stars about how to think more creatively about time.

Using Talent Science for Competitive Advantage

By Ron Price

Talent science has been around for nearly 10 decades: Starting in the 1920s, psychologists studied talent and began developing models of behavior and motivation

Premium Article

Defining Moments in Leadership—Dan Price’s Minimum Wage Announcement

I admire and support Dan’s commitment to being an authentic leader who thinks clearly, gets things done, and takes responsibility for the well being of his te

6 Proven Ways to Reduce Costly Employee Turnover

By Mindy Bortness

Formalizing your talent management system and consistently applying its steps will provide real, tangible profit to your bottom line.

3 Ways to Develop a Story That Will Resonate with Customers

By Dr. Ranjit Nair

Storytelling is powerful: It causes people to be engaged at work and to their work.

3 Lessons Your Team Can Learn From the Sport of Rowing

By Whit Mitchell

As the leader of the team, you can drive engagement by discovering the passions of your team members and then creating opportunities around those passions.

TCL Video Series: Futuristic Thinking with Shawn Kent Hayashi

Futuristic thinking is imagining, envisioning, projecting and /or predicting what has not been realized.