Join Ron Price for this 9-session course, covering the 9 Leadership Principles from his award-winning book, Growing Influence (co-authored with Stacy Ennis). Ron will offer a practical roadmap to help you grow your personal and professional influence during this recording of a live session.

BONUS: With the purchase of this course, receive a FREE 1-year membership to The Complete Leader community (valued at $199).

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Week 1: Circle of Control

Training Resource
Circle of Control

Circle of Control Video

A great first session! Review our conversations from Week 1 on how to grow your circle of influence.
Training Resource
Circle of Control Canvas

Circle of Control Canvas

Complete this canvas to brainstorm what you can own within your circle of control and how to grow your influence.

Week 2: Circle of Collaboration

Training Resource
Circle of Collaboration

Circle of Collaboration Video

The Circle of Collaboration is an immense playground! How can you use yours to grow your influence?
Training Resource
Circle of Collaboration Notes

Circle of Collaboration Notes

Use these slides from our session to take notes, review our conversations, and reflect on what you've learned this week.
Training Resource
Circle of Collaboration Canvas

Circle of Collaboration Canvas

Complete this canvas to brainstorm how to use your circle of collaboration.

Week 3: Circle of Concern

Training Resource
Circle of Concern

Circle of Concern Video

We manage our Circle of Concern best by recognizing what causes the noise—and gaining control of the volume.
Training Resource
Circle of Concern

Circle of Concern Canvas

What concerns create too much noise for you? Use this canvas to think about how to more effectively manage your CIrcle of Concern.

Week 4: Character Leadership

Training Resource
Character Leadership

Character Leadership Video

You grow your influence when you grow your character. Defining and reflecting on your values can help during this step.
Training Resource

Define Your Values Canvas

Use this worksheet to define your values. Identifying values doesn’t mean you’re going to be perfect—it is simply defining the
things that are most important to you.

Week 5: Expert of Leadership

Training Resource
Expert of Leadership

Expert of Leadership Video

You are a leader! You can continue to grow and learn as an expert.
Training Resource
Expert of Leadership

Expert of Leadership Canvas

Complete this canvas to define your goals and action items for growing your expertise.

Week 6: Positional Leadership

Training Resource
Positional Leadership

Positional Leadership Video

In order to get the position, forget about the position.
Training Resource
Positional Leadership

Positional Leadership Canvas

Complete this canvas to define your position as a leader.

Week 7: Problem to Opportunities

Training Resource
Problems to Opportunities

Problems to Opportunites Video

Great leaders grow their influence by converting problems into opportunities.
Training Resource
Problems to Opportunities

Problem to Opportunities Canvas

Brainstorm on how to turn your problems into opportunities with this canvas.

Wk 8: Inspire People to Make Commitments

Training Resource
Inspire People to Make Commitments

Inspire People to Make Commitments Video

Who is in my life that I have the opportunity to inspire and influence to make commitments?
Training Resource
Inspire People to Make Commitments Canvas

Inspire People to Make Commitments Canvas

Think on and answer these questions about how your character, expertise, and position can inspire others to make commitments.

Week 9: Transcend Self Interest

Training Resource
Transcend Self Interest

Transcend Self Interest Video

Transcend self-interest and self-promotion—and serve something greater.
Training Resource
Transcend Self Interest

Transcend Self Interest to Serve Something Greater Canvas

Use this canvas to think on all of the principles of Growing Influence and how you can use them to transcend self-interest.

Certificate of Completion

Training Resource

Certificate of Completion: Growing Influence