John Kerrick

Hancock, NH 03449
United States
For over thirty years John Kerrick has had professional experience as a manager, educator, coach, and consultant in a variety of settings, most notably Columbia Executive Programs, Tuck Executive Education at Dartmouth College, Outward Bound, Boston University’s award winning Executive Challenge Program, the Center for Executive Development, and his own training and development firm. He focuses on helping leaders and managers create and maintain effective organizations characterized by high productivity, high morale, and high motivation.
He's a coach with the senior executive programs at Columbia and Tuck business schools, working with executives on their effectiveness, values and development plans. He works with managers and their reports to assess and improve their team’s productivity and quality of life. These team-development efforts have focused on team values, vision, mission and strategy, decision-making, work processes, goal clarity, conflict management, leadership, inter-unit relations, and adapting and excelling amidst changing and challenging environments.
Focus: Creative problem-solving, Facilitating problem-solving meetings, Facilitating action learning, Effective teamwork, Creating high performance organizations, Facilitation skills, Leader and manager development